Anxiety Therapy - Anxiety Trap
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Anxiety Trap

  Anxiety is an issue that plagues many individuals, impacting every aspect of their lives.  If you are one of those individuals, you are not alone.  Feelings of being frozen with fear of any multitude of things, unable to enjoy time with friends or family, or continually stressed by the need to leave the comfort…

Thankful List - Notes
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Thankful List

This time of year is the perfect time to begin a list that encourages you to reflect on the people, places, things and experiences in your life for which you are thankful.  The following exercise may seem easy at first, but as time goes on, you will find that it challenges you to look for…

Therapy - Taking Time Out - A Whistle
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Taking Time Outs

Have you ever had an argument with someone in which you became so angry that you said things you regretted, “lost your cool,” or “dragged in everything but the kitchen sink”? Or maybe you have been on the receiving end of an argument like that.  Either way, it is the type of argument that leaves…