learn something new
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Advantages of Learning Something New

It can be easy to overlook the value of learning when it is routine in school. However, once we complete our formal education, we generally have to take on the responsibility of discovery for ourselves. Some of us face the issue of motivation, being burnt out from so many years of schooling. It may take…

emotional wellbeing
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Improve Your Emotional Wellbeing on Your Day Off

Whether it’s a surprise snow-day or a Sunday free from plans, why not spend your next non-work day contributing to your emotional health.   Not all of us can take regular vacations in order to “re-set” and build up our emotional resiliency.   If we do not have the time or money to jet to the beach,…

self confidence

Developing Confidence in Making Tough Decisions

How often do you find yourself stuck between two options (or more) wavering for days, weeks, or months to determine the ideal choice? If so, you are not alone as research has shown that there are many people in today’s society struggling with this on a daily basis. It is important to note that it…

depression treatment
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Work the Body, Heal the Mind

Exercise is an important activity many of us struggle to incorporate into our lives. While the physical benefits are obvious, the valuable mental ones may be overlooked. When you are looking for ways to cope with anxiety, stress, depression, and various difficult emotions, consider physical exercise. Getting motivated: Some other things can make exercising easier….

nutrition and wellness

Nutrition and Wellness: Eating your feelings, the right way.

Food is a necessary part of life, growth, healing and even comfort. Food fuels our bodies and can impact everything from physical health to mental wellness.   In order to ensure that food’s impact is positive, making the right food choices is important. Below are a few healthy food choices that can have a positive impact…