women's issues
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Living in the Present

  Are you living in the moment or are you unaware of the moment because you are so focused on tomorrow, next week, next month or  next year?  It is easy to coast along on autopilot, lost in our thoughts or worrying about things that are yet to happen.  Nevertheless, truly living and enjoying our…

women's issues
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Improve Happiness by Discovering Your Strengths

  It is easy to become consumed with the down side of situations and to lose site of the goodness and power within ourselves.  Nevertheless, recognizing that you have choices is a good starting point that can be truly empowering.  Even more important is discovering that you have used the power of choice before in ways…

women's issues
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The Art of Positive Thinking

  We have all had those days where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed and find fault with everything for no reason at all.   The weather is not what you had hoped, nothing sounds good for breakfast, you don’t want to work, you don’t want to stay home, your spouse is…