Greenwood Counseling Center man looking stressed needing therapy in Denver Colorado

How Do I Know If I’m Going Through Complicated Grief?

If you’ve recently experienced some type of loss, whether the loss was a person, a place, or a thing, any type of loss can be difficult to navigate. Life changes are hard and grief is often part of the process.   Unfortunately, if you have experienced grief and had expectations about how long it would last, you may be feeling frustrated, confused or disheartened that it may not yet have dissipated.

winter blues

Fighting the Winter Blues

Winter: it’s cold, the days are short, and there is less sunlight. Even though the season comes around every year, for some people it doesn’t make the drawbacks any more desirable. There are certainly upsides to the winter, like hot chocolate, holidays, and fires in the fireplace, or snow sports. However, for others, these positives aren’t…

coping with trauma
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Coping with Trauma, Crisis and Tragedy

  Following the tragic events of the Movie Theater shooting, and other horrific events over the last decade or two, it is frequently difficult for individuals to cope with the feelings and anxiety that are elicited by those tragedies.  Regardless of whether you were witness to the scene, knew someone who was a victim of,…

depression treatment
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Managing Grief During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a particularly challenging time for people who are coping with the loss of a loved one. Trying to find ways to endure the sadness often creates feelings of depression, lack of motivation, and disinterest in being around others. However, there are ways to allow your love for that special person…

Thankful List - Notes
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Thankful List

This time of year is the perfect time to begin a list that encourages you to reflect on the people, places, things and experiences in your life for which you are thankful.  The following exercise may seem easy at first, but as time goes on, you will find that it challenges you to look for…