coping with trauma
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Coping with Trauma, Crisis and Tragedy

  Following the tragic events of the Movie Theater shooting, and other horrific events over the last decade or two, it is frequently difficult for individuals to cope with the feelings and anxiety that are elicited by those tragedies.  Regardless of whether you were witness to the scene, knew someone who was a victim of,…

anxiety reatment
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Stopping the Worry

  Many clients ask me how they can stop worrying about something when the thought seems to be ever-present.    This is a common problem with people struggling with anxiety, depression, stress or grief.  The thoughts running through their mind seem to control them as opposed to feeling they have control over their thoughts. Research has…

women's issues
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Improve Happiness by Discovering Your Strengths

  It is easy to become consumed with the down side of situations and to lose site of the goodness and power within ourselves.  Nevertheless, recognizing that you have choices is a good starting point that can be truly empowering.  Even more important is discovering that you have used the power of choice before in ways…

anxiety treatment
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Nutritional Considerations for Reduction of Anxiety

It is always best to eat WHOLE FOODS as opposed to processed foods, foods high in hydrogenated oils, or refined sugar.  However, when suffering from ANXIETY, it is even more important to monitor your nutrition because many anxiety disorders can be helped dramatically by improving nutrition and eliminating or greatly reducing the intake of certain…

women's issues
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The Art of Positive Thinking

  We have all had those days where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed and find fault with everything for no reason at all.   The weather is not what you had hoped, nothing sounds good for breakfast, you don’t want to work, you don’t want to stay home, your spouse is…

women's issues
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  Have you ever been in an argument with someone and brought up an offense from ten years prior?  Maybe it is an offense you bring up regularly during arguments to remind them of the hurt they caused you.  If so, you are not alone.  Often one of the biggest hurdles in relationships is the…

women's issues
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Enjoying the Season of Giving

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” –Maya Angelou  The season of giving is here, yet it has become a society that seems to place so much emphasis on giving big gifts, giving expensive gifts, that  often people feel that they can’t keep up, and therefore have…