Your relationship with yourself
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Signs Your Relationship With Yourself Needs Work

We all know that relationships need work, and in general, what we put into them is what we get out of them. No doubt, you are careful about putting significant effort into your marriage and family. You most likely put time and thought into your relationships with friends, neighbors, and coworkers. But how often do…

attachment style

Understanding Your Attachment Style

Our earliest relationships form the foundation for life. They shape the way we love, our ability to manage emotion and our ability to connect in healthy relationships throughout life. From the moment a baby enters the world, they are seeking security, safety sustenance and love. As their eyes search for connection with their mother and…

healthy relationship with self

Tips for Developing a Healthy Relationship with Yourself

Whether you are struggling with trauma, depression or simply balancing the pressures of daily life and stress, finding a way to stay centered can be invaluable. One way that is beneficial in establishing balance is developing a positive relationship with oneself. The relationship with self defines our inner world, and the way we process information…

learn something new
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Advantages of Learning Something New

It can be easy to overlook the value of learning when it is routine in school. However, once we complete our formal education, we generally have to take on the responsibility of discovery for ourselves. Some of us face the issue of motivation, being burnt out from so many years of schooling. It may take…

feel happier
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Two Ways to Shift Perception and Feel Happier

At any given moment, people are taking in sensory information from their environment, making sense of this information, and incorporating their interpretation into the narrative of their lives. Each second of the day, the brain is bombarded with sensory information, though most of this information never makes it into our awareness.  In reality, the brain organ…

how to handle teenage drama
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Handling “Drama”

“Drama”, the catch-all phrase that is often used to describe an overreaction to stress, disagreements, negativity and other sometimes frustrating life events. Many people believe it is avoidable and unnecessary, even dramatic people feel this way, when on the wrong side of it. However, stress is a constant in life. Some situations will naturally cause…

emotional wellbeing
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Improve Your Emotional Wellbeing on Your Day Off

Whether it’s a surprise snow-day or a Sunday free from plans, why not spend your next non-work day contributing to your emotional health.   Not all of us can take regular vacations in order to “re-set” and build up our emotional resiliency.   If we do not have the time or money to jet to the beach,…

man struggling

Is it Guilt or is it Shame? (And what to do with it.)

As we begin a new year, traditionally we consider a New Year’s resolution, or new goals for improving our life or our felt sense of who we are. For some, what comes with this is a sense of remorse for not having made the changes, or met the goals sooner. In some cases, that remorse…