women's issues
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Taking Time for Yourself

  Over the years, I have seen many people come in for therapy to work on feeling happier.  They are sad, struggling in relationships, recovering from divorce or struggling with parenting.  Yet, in their struggles they have forgotten about themselves.  Their focus has been outward on relationships and pressures, but stopping, turning attention inward, and…

women's issues
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  Have you ever been in an argument with someone and brought up an offense from ten years prior?  Maybe it is an offense you bring up regularly during arguments to remind them of the hurt they caused you.  If so, you are not alone.  Often one of the biggest hurdles in relationships is the…

Relationship Therapist - Frustrated Male With Hand Over Eyes
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Relationship Stress During the Holidays

‘Tis the Season: Shopping, decorating, holiday gatherings, baking, wrapping, and still juggling the day to day responsibilities of work and home. It’s no wonder the holidays can create such stress in our lives and friction in relationships.  Unfortunately the enjoyment of the season can be lost when the tension invades your love life.  However, a…

Partnership Therapy - Nurturing a Partnership - Two Parrots with beaks touching
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Nurturing a Partnership

Finding balance between maintaining one’s individuality and independence and yet fostering connected, loving relationships can be a difficult task for many of us.  We are raised in a society that encourages independence, yet too much independence in a relationship can lead to trouble.  In an age of internet access, corporate travel, and two career households,…

Therapy - Taking Time Out - A Whistle
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Taking Time Outs

Have you ever had an argument with someone in which you became so angry that you said things you regretted, “lost your cool,” or “dragged in everything but the kitchen sink”? Or maybe you have been on the receiving end of an argument like that.  Either way, it is the type of argument that leaves…